Boost Your Visibility | Grow Your Business with Brenda Eckhardt
Resource for creative entrepreneurs seeking to grow their product or service-based businesses while prioritizing family and well-being. Hosted by Brenda Eckhardt, a successful photographer and brand strategist, this podcast offers the latest strategies and how-to's to increase online visibility, work smarter, avoid burnout, and find inspiration for both professional and personal growth.
Boost Your Visibility | Grow Your Business with Brenda Eckhardt
Viral Storytelling: Reesa Teesa and More About Tiktok
Unlock the secrets to creating viral content as I bring you behind-the-scenes insights from TikTok storytelling phenomenons Reesa Teesa and Brooke with the car. Ever wondered why some stories captivate millions and escape the dreaded '200 views jail'? This episode is your guide to understanding the raw power of authentic storytelling and how it can catapult your content to new heights. Join me in a candid conversation from my living room floor as we dissect the magnetic pull of genuine narratives that resonate with audiences far and wide.
Hear the compelling chronicles of ordinary people whose extraordinary tales have dwarfed even top television series in viewership. We'll explore Reesa Teesa's incredible 50-part saga of a chaotic relationship and Brooke's surreal dealership dilemma that turned them into viral sensations. Their unfiltered approach to sharing life's twists and turns has not only shattered the viral ceiling but also fostered a community of engaged followers. Authenticity is the new shift. Discover how our own unpolished stories could be the ticket to viral success, but more importantly, make an impact on others who may be really be helped by our shared human experiences.
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So what is it that's making certain reels take off and certain TikToks go viral right now? Why is it that so many of us are stuck in the 200 views jail and can't break out? What is the disruption that we can find? What is it that we can do to break away from that? I have a couple of ideas, and it's all based on two TikTok accounts that I've been following. Now, what I'm about to share with you isn't new information.
Speaker 1:We're not reinventing the wheel, but I do think that we all get caught up in overthinking and trying to strive for perfection all the time. Right now, I'm sitting in my living room on the floor with my dog, boo, just taking a nap, and I'm just being straight to camera, real, authentic, with you, because this is me and my work has always been real and genuine and about the other person. So it's always very awkward for me to put myself out there, and I know everybody feels that way, so I want to just validate that for you. That leads to the overthinking and wanting the perfect lighting and, oh, I need this microphone and oh, I don't have a professional camera. Maybe those are thoughts that you've had before creating something real and genuine, and the two accounts I'm going to talk about today. The first one is they both have the same thing in common. I've taken away the same through lines and I want to share that with you. So the first is Risa Tisa.
Speaker 1:Risa Tisa has a 50 TikTok series that she titled right from the beginning, who the F Did I Marry? And it is so interesting. I'm sure many of you have already heard it and listened to it, watched her, but if you haven't, I highly recommend at least watching a few, because her TikToks have gotten more views than the series finale of Succession, which I believe is one of the best shows ever made. It's insane to think that one person can have that kind of reach. And she was just sitting in her car telling the story of this relationship she got involved in and how this man wasn't who he presented himself to be, and so many crazy things happened along the way. And she brought us on the journey and told the whole story from beginning to end. And actually it hasn't even ended. Now in full realness, you're going to hear a dog barking, because we're not overthinking this right now and that's just how it is so anyway. So that's Risa Tisa. Highly recommend following her from an authenticity standpoint and seeing someone that's just straight to camera laying her life out and sharing a human experience.
Speaker 1:Okay, so then we have Brooke with the car. Brooke bought a Kia and was along. Her and her husband bought a Kia and it wasn't very long before they got a call from the dealership saying they wanted the car back and she just sat at her counter in her kitchen and at her desk at home and told the story TikTok by TikTok and was just extremely genuine and real and in her regular, regular clothes. She didn't have a camera that was fancy or lights or anything interesting to capture it. It was just her straight to camera on her phone and I'm laughing because I have my husband watching me and this is just really interesting. A real TikTok your style podcast, anyway.
Speaker 1:Okay, so back to Brooke with the car. So long story short. She just shared her story straight to camera, completely authentic, and took us on the journey of this whole ordeal with a car dealership and in the end she and her husband decided to get the car back and get their money back and go elsewhere because they just wanted to detach from that dealership. She met some really amazing people on TikTok that were helping her. One of them is a car broker. He's like an independent guy that works car deals for people. I will show you his TikTok on the screen. If you're watching, if you're listening, it's at delivered. I believe it's D-E-L-I-V-R-D and his last name is Makula, tommy Makula. The person that bought the car is Brooke B-R-O-O-K-E on TikTok.
Speaker 1:And you'll find all of these people very easily because they're viral right now and there's nothing different or special about what they're doing other than they're being real. They're not over-editing, they're not creating all this fanciness about their presentation. They're just sharing real human experiences straight to camera and they're telling a story over a longer period of time. It reminds me a lot of the Grey's Anatomy days, when Thursday nights you'd watch Grey's Anatomy and Scandal and you would wait until the next week to see what happens. And that's how they're growing their accounts unintentionally, maybe incontinually. I think it's unintentionally, though Organically, because they're showing up in the For you page for so many people, because so many people have liked and shared and added their experiences in the comments.
Speaker 1:So I just wanted to encourage you to stop overthinking and stick to your true self and don't overthink at all. If you need to create content, pull your phone out, start recording. It's okay to put yourself out there If you hear negative comments. I'm sure they got a ton of negative comments. They're the one that's putting yourself out there and working hard, and most people that have something negative to say aren't doing that at all and they have no bearing on their life. So I just thought this was an interesting conversation to have. I'd love to talk more with you about it. If you can add something in comments.
Speaker 1:If you are following the podcast on your favorite podcast listening app, please subscribe, and if you could hit five stars, that would be amazing. I'm really trying to grow. And if you're listening on YouTube, I'd love it if you hit like subscribe and comment, and I just appreciate you being here. I want to keep the conversation going.
Speaker 1:If you have a favorite TikTok account that you're following right now, that has just a super interesting story that is disrupting the algorithm, disrupting the way that we've learned in marketing to put ourselves out there. I feel like right now we're so inundated with all the people saying well, this is how I need 100K in one month and this is how I went from zero views to 800 billion views in five minutes. And then you have the refreshing people like Brooke, risa, tisa, just sharing with their real story, and even the car broker, tommy McCoola. He just goes live and makes calls trying to make car deals. How much more real than that can you get? I mean, I know that that's the nature of TikTok, but I see it coming more and more to Instagram and Facebook. So please share your favorite accounts in the comments and again like, subscribe and follow along, and I will share more of my journey in the coming podcasts and I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day.